Tuesday, May 01, 2007

old ladies & children

I've had a couple of very interesting short outings over the last couple of days. I don't know where they come from. Out of nowhere spring old ladies. They suddenly appear lifesavers by opening doors and assisting me with their good humor and gentle kindnesses. Thank you!!! May all that you've done be returned to you a 1000 times.

I didn't expect this but it's not surprising. Small children stare and respond as if I were a strange 4 legged sea creature from the depths of the ocean newly come ashore. It's been tempting to snarl and growl but then no telling how scary I'd be to them. I might oddly cause a fragile child to have a crutch phobia. I'd would never want that to happen but then again I'd love to see the name science would come up with.

Being on crutches is a humbling experience.


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